Monday, February 2, 2015

Not Another Blog

Why in the world would I start another blog when I don't really even have a following for my Frontier Living Today blog? Good question and I don't really have a good answer. Just 'cause I felt lead to do so.
I have been learning a lot in the last 4 years. I have been a Christian for 30 years, and was wanting to be closer to God and more Christ-like when I converted. It was a gentle slide toward believing in God and who Jesus was to asking Him into my heart. No big fireworks, nor did I have any demonic exorcisms. A few years later I got a divorce after my then husband had his 2nd affair since we had been together. (That was a long story made into a sentence!)
I stopped going to church (we had moved) and went through a time of experimentation. Although I still believed, it was pushed aside for a couple years of fun and games. I went through another serious relationship that bombed and I left it. I then moved again.
I decided to learn to be a masseuse. There wasn't enough money to pay for the certification, so I signed up to work off the tuition. I was good at office work and computers. Doing massage was enjoyable and I kept the new age, open-yourself-up mindset to a minimum. It made me very uncomfortable. I gathered a few Christian clients and worked for two chiropractors.
I started going to a small church. The people lived the message they taught. It was a chance to start learning again. Over the next couple of years, I switched churches 3 times and moved. Then I got married and moved again. I willingly became unequally yoked to a non-Christian man. Another long story made short.
I then didn't attend church for years. I did keep my faith and prayed a lot including for my husband's salvation.
A few years ago, we felt an urge to move to the country. We had gotten tired of city living. An ad for property in Aeneas Valley caught Frontier Hubby's attention. After a few months of looking around, we bought a parcel. God was placing us exactly where we needed to be but we didn't know it yet. (Long story made short #3)
In 2010 we moved up here, living in a shed we had built for storage. We made it livable with insulation. It was a place to sleep and keep warm. Hubby saw a sign for a local church and said we should try it sometime. I was very happy to hear him willing to do so. A new friend of ours also invited us to attend, so we did. We have been going there ever since. A few months later, hubby went from being a diehard atheist to a Christian. (My fourth long story made short.)
Our learning seems to be accelerated to a daily occurrence. God is blessing us as we move to seeing the world through His eyes and understanding more about Him. We have made many friends through the church and neighbors.
Frontier Hubby and I have lived a rather volatile life arguing almost endlessly. Most of the stuff was minutia. Our walk with God has brought us closer than ever and the problems are much fewer and far between.
Every day the beauty surround us gives me pause to thank God that we are here and to see what He has created. There is no way to capture it all. May you enjoy the small moments in pictures that we do capture.
This platform is for me to bring up whatever I am learning. Even if I think I have learned something, God manages to show me there is a long way to go. I am so grateful for His patience with me and that He not only allowed me to marry Frontier Hubby, but brought hubby into the family of Christian brothers and sisters who love the Lord and show us love and grace.

In Him,
Frontier Woman @

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