Any small community has pros and cons. But how about a church full of professing Christians, me included? One would think the love of Jesus would rule our lives, and it does to a point. Because we are all human, we naturally lean to our own understandings, forgetting about God. We fumble around and there are the inevitable bumps in the road. Can God be trusted to make all things work for good like the Bible teaches?
We love our congregation at AVEFC. Not just as a "feeling" but in real ways such as concern, helping, being available when called. How do you love them all when one is doing something that may hurt another person? For me it is not making judgments, and knowing God is big enough to handle the tough situations. I pray to be in His will. Sometimes that becomes awkward so I keep moving forward so that He can work things out. That has to be God, because my nature is to not get involved and stay hidden. He gives me strength and love. I must rely solely on Him.
At one point last year, the church leadership at AVEFC realized that as we grow, the church will get messy. What does that mean? Well the Aeneas Valley is a small population base and their backgrounds vary a lot! And there are many broken people in this valley. As they all come in to be part of God's family, we need to love them. PERIOD. Let God work out any flaws in their lives as He works out the flaws in ours. Its a process and we will always be in process until we get to heaven. We very much expect messiness from a group of people who have different belief backgrounds, such as Catholic, Lutheran, Assembly of God, Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist, Messianic Jews, and even non-believers just looking to see what we are about. Frontier Hubby was a diehard atheist until attending this church and meeting Jesus in a new way. AVEFC wants to be a place where people can learn about God in a non-judgmental environment. A safe place. I hope that can become the reality. All Christians are in the family of God. Let's take keep our eyes on Him and not ourselves. In the scope of eternity, denominations and other differences should not keep us from loving one another with agape love -- no judgments, no expectations, no grudges.
If you are curious come check us out. It is a different experience from most churches. The people are real, the preaching is different, the Word of God is explored, and hopefully, then applied to our lives. Bring a teachable spirit. It does not help much if you come in already knowing everything. We all have much to learn. See more at
= = =
Frontier Hubby had a really tough week last week. He was preparing to give a teaching Sunday morning on a chapter in the Firm Foundations series. As a new Christian, only 3.5 years old, his depth of knowledge is limited, but he is truly searching out the Word and has been successful at getting the lessons across. This is not a pastoral thing, but as Frontier Hubby has a background in teaching, he is comfortable being up-front. As a teacher/seminar leader, he was an expert in his field. Now that 'expert' prop is gone, he is learning to rely on God -- a difficult lesson for a lifelong, self-reliant man.
He was preparing his teaching and smack in the middle of the week, he was exposed to a horrendous scene of a video on the internet sent via email. It was a sick violence that disturbed him to his core. He could not unsee it. There was an instant hatred that entered him. He began praying about it and God gave him much relief. Over the next few days, his hatred turned to prayers for the people involved. God is showing him how to love those who we would normally hate for their actions. That has to be divine as Frontier Hubby is not one to just love and forgive his way through life.
With all that going on, Frontier Hubby was having problems concentrating how to give his presentation. On Sunday after the service, it was Frontier Hubby's time to talk. We had some great discussion on the scripture and its interpretation, mostly on legalism. He ended his session by talking about his week and how this video affected him and how God was blessing him through this time. His final statement was awesome, "Jesus is enough for me."
The congregation was clapping when it was done. That rather shocked Frontier Hubby as he hardly knew where the words were coming from when he spoke. I think God was helping him to say what He needed to be said. There seemed to be a shift in the room as God touched the hearts of people.
Pastor Shane often tells of problems that come up during the week that relate to what he is preaching about on Sunday. Ken is now learning that God works like that in his life too. Their messages are so much stronger and real when they share what has been going on during the week. It is clearly a God thing to make it so relative to the scripture to be covered. How does He do that? Guess because He is God and He does work all things out for good. Just sometimes we don't always see the good, but it is there.
May you find all things new in Him,
Frontier Woman @ FrontierChristianLiving
A day is mixed with what is around me and what I feel inside. That becomes a combination of how I relate to things around me, how I relate to God and how I relate to others. Frontier Christian Living will be more about my relationship with God through His Son, Jesus. This platform is a place to bring up whatever I am learning. Even if I think I have learned something, God manages to show me there is a long way to go. I am so grateful for His patience with me.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Monday, March 16, 2015
A Cleansing of Sorts
Today is beautiful. It is a day of sunshine after a day of snow and rain. The land has a clean white covering. A lot like what Jesus has done for us on the cross. This snow covering will bring new life with it as it waters the plants over time as Jesus is our living water.
The AVEFC camera was broken, so we do not have video. This post might be a little longer so I can capture as much as possible for us. Still, I am giving you Pastor Shane's sermon from my perspective with my thoughts during and after the service.
Blessed be Your Name
Crown Him
I Will Rise
March 15, Mark 1:40-45. A leper came begging Jesus to heal him if He would. The man submitted himself to Jesus' will. He was humble and desperate. Being a leper meant being cut off from life and all you hold dear: family, friends, home, land, job, everything. They lived in a cave dependent on others for food and clothing, yet no one would go near them. And to the Jews, touching a leper was like touching a dead thing and you had to be cleansed at the temple using special rights. It was a big deal. For a leper to leave their cave to wander the streets was also a big deal, yet this one came to Jesus to ask for healing.
Jesus felt compassion. Do we?
Touching the leper, Jesus said "I will." He wants to heal us. "Be clean!" He commanded. The leprosy left and he was cured. The word cured here also means cleansed.
Jesus then sent him away with instructions to go to the temple, show the priest, make his required sacrifices and to tell NO one about this. Well, just like the rest of us, he went away not following instructions. Apparently, he never made it to the temple. He was told to show the priest. He did not. Was there a specific response that Jesus wanted from that priest? We will never know. The leper was told to make the sacrifices for his cleansing but he did not. As Jesus had not died yet, the sacrifices were still in place.
Jesus was trying to keep His notoriety low, but the leper told everyone. Jesus had to stay out of towns, where He wanted to teach because of the pressing crowds.
We silly people get excited and dance away from a divine experience, jabbering to anyone who will stand still long enough to hear. Do we look to God for His will at that point? Probably not. Our joy and the thrill of seeing God work overcomes us. His timing is perfect and we get in the way. He being all powerful can still circumvent the disobedience, but the impact may not be what He wanted. He still gives us free will and in doing so is probably constantly making up for our downfalls. He is a gracious God.
Can you imagine being a disciple at this time? They agreed to follow a rabbi. Priests taught about God. This one acts like God. How does someone comprehend what they are seeing. Are they questioning the daunting task of healing and casting out demons themselves someday? That was not done, much like our times. I bet there was a lot of backroom discussions between them.
Some other scriptures regarding the word that was used for cured: Matt 4:24, 1 Jphn 1:7, Heb 9:22-23, Acts 15:9.
Jesus is the source of healing. He does not worry about catching "it" whatever the sickness is. 1 Cor 6:9-11 tells us how we are sinners and lists some of the yuck we come from. Then the cleansing word is used again in 11. "You were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." Washed, sanctified and justified. Jesus and the Holy Spirit cleansed us as though we had gone through the process of sacrifice at the temple.
So here is where things get a little tougher. If this study is true, if Jesus was here on earth to heal us and bring hope, what should our response be? More than just a cursory thank you and move on I should hope.
What is it like to follow Jesus? Like nothing on earth that is for sure.
We should be praying to be used for the kingdom no matter where it leads. He wants us to be ready to leave everything; that does not mean he asks us to actually do it. But there is a letting go of ownership and control that is difficult to do, but His blessings outweigh any loss.
We should empty ourselves like Jesus did for God. Offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to God to cleanse and use us as He sees fit. I feel so far from there.
I am beginning to pray with less hesitation to be in His will. There is a feeling of awe and wonder at what that might entail. Will I be asked to give up my home and family? Oh, I hope not. That is my Achilles heel so to speak. I don't feel like that is what He will be asking. I think He wants me to get out of my comfort zone and speak up. That is certainly not my nature and will be all Him. I am drawn to the concept of healing and pray that someday I will know why He is putting healing in my path. Maybe just to have a better understanding. Maybe someday He will have me pray for a healing and I can watch Him work. I just want to be in His will so I am praying for that.
On another note, God has given me some wonderful friends here. Seems lately that they are going through some very rough times. I ask you help me pray for them. Just ask, God knows who they are and the circumstances. Thank you.
May you find all things new in Him,
Frontier Woman @ FrontierChristianLiving
The AVEFC camera was broken, so we do not have video. This post might be a little longer so I can capture as much as possible for us. Still, I am giving you Pastor Shane's sermon from my perspective with my thoughts during and after the service.
Blessed be Your Name
Crown Him
I Will Rise
March 15, Mark 1:40-45. A leper came begging Jesus to heal him if He would. The man submitted himself to Jesus' will. He was humble and desperate. Being a leper meant being cut off from life and all you hold dear: family, friends, home, land, job, everything. They lived in a cave dependent on others for food and clothing, yet no one would go near them. And to the Jews, touching a leper was like touching a dead thing and you had to be cleansed at the temple using special rights. It was a big deal. For a leper to leave their cave to wander the streets was also a big deal, yet this one came to Jesus to ask for healing.
Jesus felt compassion. Do we?
Touching the leper, Jesus said "I will." He wants to heal us. "Be clean!" He commanded. The leprosy left and he was cured. The word cured here also means cleansed.
Jesus was trying to keep His notoriety low, but the leper told everyone. Jesus had to stay out of towns, where He wanted to teach because of the pressing crowds.
We silly people get excited and dance away from a divine experience, jabbering to anyone who will stand still long enough to hear. Do we look to God for His will at that point? Probably not. Our joy and the thrill of seeing God work overcomes us. His timing is perfect and we get in the way. He being all powerful can still circumvent the disobedience, but the impact may not be what He wanted. He still gives us free will and in doing so is probably constantly making up for our downfalls. He is a gracious God.
Can you imagine being a disciple at this time? They agreed to follow a rabbi. Priests taught about God. This one acts like God. How does someone comprehend what they are seeing. Are they questioning the daunting task of healing and casting out demons themselves someday? That was not done, much like our times. I bet there was a lot of backroom discussions between them.
Some other scriptures regarding the word that was used for cured: Matt 4:24, 1 Jphn 1:7, Heb 9:22-23, Acts 15:9.
Jesus is the source of healing. He does not worry about catching "it" whatever the sickness is. 1 Cor 6:9-11 tells us how we are sinners and lists some of the yuck we come from. Then the cleansing word is used again in 11. "You were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." Washed, sanctified and justified. Jesus and the Holy Spirit cleansed us as though we had gone through the process of sacrifice at the temple.
So here is where things get a little tougher. If this study is true, if Jesus was here on earth to heal us and bring hope, what should our response be? More than just a cursory thank you and move on I should hope.
What is it like to follow Jesus? Like nothing on earth that is for sure.
We should empty ourselves like Jesus did for God. Offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to God to cleanse and use us as He sees fit. I feel so far from there.
I am beginning to pray with less hesitation to be in His will. There is a feeling of awe and wonder at what that might entail. Will I be asked to give up my home and family? Oh, I hope not. That is my Achilles heel so to speak. I don't feel like that is what He will be asking. I think He wants me to get out of my comfort zone and speak up. That is certainly not my nature and will be all Him. I am drawn to the concept of healing and pray that someday I will know why He is putting healing in my path. Maybe just to have a better understanding. Maybe someday He will have me pray for a healing and I can watch Him work. I just want to be in His will so I am praying for that.
On another note, God has given me some wonderful friends here. Seems lately that they are going through some very rough times. I ask you help me pray for them. Just ask, God knows who they are and the circumstances. Thank you.
May you find all things new in Him,
Frontier Woman @ FrontierChristianLiving
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
March 8, Sermon at AVEFC
Another week has raced by. I can hardly believe it is Tuesday. Every day is filled; no time to turn around even.
To help get you in the right spirit, you can use these links to sing along to the songs we did. Enjoy. (It is good etiquette to let the ads run if they do not offend. It helps the artists make something since we are not buying their songs.)
10,000 Reasons -
Jesus Loves Me -
Knowing You -
Jesus Messiah -
The sermon was from Mark 1:29-38. Go here to see it, as my writings are only a part of it.
Jesus went to the home of Simon and Andrew. Simon's mother-in-law was sick. Jesus helped her up and she was healed.
Hmmm. She didn't ask. She didn't need faith. She didn't do anything. Her proximity to Jesus healed her. He didn't command it, he touched her.
I have been trying to learn what it is God wants of us to be healed. I am still not sure. But seeing this account of a healing where one's faith is not involved means a lot to me. I don't think it is all based on our faith. Although God's ways are beyond our knowing, He has made things pretty simple when you find the right verses or experience. I have been healed from a death-bed. I did not participate in coming back, but I did believe He was with me, near me, near enough to touch me. Was that it? Then why am I not always healed of everything?
Guess that is what keeps me coming back is that there is so much to learn. Maybe He does not want me to feel like He is in my back pocket and I can just access Him whenever I like. I am pretty sure God is bigger than any pocket!
Did you see that the sick and demon possessed were brought? The two are common occurrences in those times and today we only allow for sickness. It seems the 2 overlap some, too. But Jesus is the cure for all.
I am sure that knowing Jesus personally makes a huge difference. Knowledge of Him and His deeds and words are not enough. One of my favorite songs is "Whom then Shall I Fear" and the line is "The One who reigns forever, He is a friend of mine." Wow, do you think of Jesus as your buddy, your friend? I am learning to do that as well as my Brother, my Advocate, my Savior and my Lord.
Now, if you have not noticed, God is a big fan of timing things just right. We went to John 2:1-11 where Jesus turned water to wine for his mother. He said it was not His time, yet his mother pressed Him into doing something by telling the servants to do whatever He says. I wonder how many times He performed small miracles for His household.
So after a day of teaching at the synagog, walking to Simon's house and healing his mom-in-law, that evening a crowd shows up with all their sick and possessed. Jesus healed many and drove out demons without letting them talk because they knew who He was. More of that timing thing showing up. Jesus got up before dawn the next morning, tired but determined to spend time alone with God. The disciples went looking for Him as people were showing up again. But Jesus said, No he wanted to go preach in other villages because, "That is why I have come." So Jesus is here to speak words to the lost. Jesus is the Word and he came to tell us about the Word, through the scriptures! I was really blown away about that revelation. Jesus = The Word of God and he his here to speak about himself using words he gave the prophets to write! How simple and yet it is so intricately wound into the fabric of the scriptures. I never saw it. Thank you Jesus for showing that to me. He is restoring God's word to the people and the people to God.
Matthew 7:21-23. I pray I am not going to be in the "I never knew you. Away from me." group. Don't get caught up in doing that which looks Godly, but is not called of God. It is so easy to be deceived, I must make sure I don't get into thinking I am doing right when it is not what God wants me doing or for the right reasons.
Luke 19:6-10 Jesus went to the house of Zaccheaeus, a sinner, which was frowned upon. but Zacc said he would give away much and make reparations to those he harmed. Jesus answered his actions, "Today salvation has come to this house . . . For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."
We look for the easy way to do things and God has another way, sometimes harder, but always better. Will you say "I will do it Your way. I will follow you."
May you find all things new in Him,
Frontier Woman @ FrontierChristianLiving
To help get you in the right spirit, you can use these links to sing along to the songs we did. Enjoy. (It is good etiquette to let the ads run if they do not offend. It helps the artists make something since we are not buying their songs.)
10,000 Reasons -
Jesus Loves Me -
Knowing You -
Jesus Messiah -
The sermon was from Mark 1:29-38. Go here to see it, as my writings are only a part of it.
Jesus went to the home of Simon and Andrew. Simon's mother-in-law was sick. Jesus helped her up and she was healed.
Hmmm. She didn't ask. She didn't need faith. She didn't do anything. Her proximity to Jesus healed her. He didn't command it, he touched her.
I have been trying to learn what it is God wants of us to be healed. I am still not sure. But seeing this account of a healing where one's faith is not involved means a lot to me. I don't think it is all based on our faith. Although God's ways are beyond our knowing, He has made things pretty simple when you find the right verses or experience. I have been healed from a death-bed. I did not participate in coming back, but I did believe He was with me, near me, near enough to touch me. Was that it? Then why am I not always healed of everything?
Guess that is what keeps me coming back is that there is so much to learn. Maybe He does not want me to feel like He is in my back pocket and I can just access Him whenever I like. I am pretty sure God is bigger than any pocket!
Did you see that the sick and demon possessed were brought? The two are common occurrences in those times and today we only allow for sickness. It seems the 2 overlap some, too. But Jesus is the cure for all.
I am sure that knowing Jesus personally makes a huge difference. Knowledge of Him and His deeds and words are not enough. One of my favorite songs is "Whom then Shall I Fear" and the line is "The One who reigns forever, He is a friend of mine." Wow, do you think of Jesus as your buddy, your friend? I am learning to do that as well as my Brother, my Advocate, my Savior and my Lord.
Now, if you have not noticed, God is a big fan of timing things just right. We went to John 2:1-11 where Jesus turned water to wine for his mother. He said it was not His time, yet his mother pressed Him into doing something by telling the servants to do whatever He says. I wonder how many times He performed small miracles for His household.
So after a day of teaching at the synagog, walking to Simon's house and healing his mom-in-law, that evening a crowd shows up with all their sick and possessed. Jesus healed many and drove out demons without letting them talk because they knew who He was. More of that timing thing showing up. Jesus got up before dawn the next morning, tired but determined to spend time alone with God. The disciples went looking for Him as people were showing up again. But Jesus said, No he wanted to go preach in other villages because, "That is why I have come." So Jesus is here to speak words to the lost. Jesus is the Word and he came to tell us about the Word, through the scriptures! I was really blown away about that revelation. Jesus = The Word of God and he his here to speak about himself using words he gave the prophets to write! How simple and yet it is so intricately wound into the fabric of the scriptures. I never saw it. Thank you Jesus for showing that to me. He is restoring God's word to the people and the people to God.
Matthew 7:21-23. I pray I am not going to be in the "I never knew you. Away from me." group. Don't get caught up in doing that which looks Godly, but is not called of God. It is so easy to be deceived, I must make sure I don't get into thinking I am doing right when it is not what God wants me doing or for the right reasons.
Luke 19:6-10 Jesus went to the house of Zaccheaeus, a sinner, which was frowned upon. but Zacc said he would give away much and make reparations to those he harmed. Jesus answered his actions, "Today salvation has come to this house . . . For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."
We look for the easy way to do things and God has another way, sometimes harder, but always better. Will you say "I will do it Your way. I will follow you."
May you find all things new in Him,
Frontier Woman @ FrontierChristianLiving
frontier Christian living,
frontier woman,
Friday, March 6, 2015
Changing to Meet the Truth
All this talk about Jesus' authority, but what does it mean to me? My life? My responses to situations affecting me?
A question we ask ourselves at AVEFC is: if what we learn is truth, then what do we do about it? In
this subject of authority, the easy answer is to just say accept it and
live your life based on it. There are a few things I am working on ATM. Things like writing a fictional book, the church website, blogs, and doing other things online. I just wrote a book for my granddaughter, and feel led to do something in the realm of relationships--marriage, family, people--putting God into it but not sure how to go forward there and a number of other things.
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My ability to focus is also reflected here |
Writing a fictional book takes time and I have to keep God and my family responsibilities before it. If anyone has written or been passionate about something that is not directed towards your family, you know how hard it is to keep it all balanced. I tend to do many things at once, but only focus on one or two things with full force.
May you find all things new in Him,
Frontier Woman @ FrontierChristianLiving
authority of Jesus,
frontier Christian living,
Frontier hubby,
frontier living today,
frontier woman,
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Follow Me (some more)
I didn't want to over post on the Sunday sermon at AVEFC, but here I am. There is more. More about Jesus' authority in Mark 1:23-34.
So, here is a man (Jesus, not just any man) who has been baptised by John the Baptist. John was told by God he would know the One sent by God, because the Spirit of the Lord would stay upon him, which it did when Jesus came up out of the water. Then to give it all the more emphasis (a tiny description of the event) by God parting the heavens and stating that this was His Son, in whom He is well pleased. John then told his own disciples that this was the man he was waiting for and that they should follow Him. Before they could, Jesus went to the desert for 40 days where He prepared for his ministry, communed with God (His father), and defeated Satan with his temptations.
This time of teaching in the temple is the first act after the 40 days and gathering a few disciples. Yes, the people were amazed by the authority Jesus spoke with about scripture. Then a demon, spoke from a man possessed. The demon asked if Jesus was there to destroy them (the demons) and stated that he knew that Jesus was the Holy One of God, at which point Jesus told him to be quiet and leave. Besides the rude interruption, Jesus obviously didn't want to make a big deal of who He really was. So here and in many other places he tells demons to be quiet before they can say who He is and told people not to tell who did miracles.
But did you see it? The demons have to do as He commands. Jesus has full authority over them. Most of us peons don't even believe demons exist, but here it says they do exist and that they have to obey Jesus. An eye opener and such a good demonstration of not just power, but authority.
If you look at the military, there is a clear chain of command. Authority must be obeyed. But what happens when a country has been overthrown? The military (if allowed to live) has to obey the new rulers. Satan and his following were sent to earth, and have done all they can to rule and destroy us. Jesus overthrew any dominion Satan had, becoming earth's ruler. We just live in a time where the defeated Satan is still around and trying to win back any authority we will give him. When Christ returns we will see what it is like to live in a world that Jesus reigns over without Satan's interruptions, like the demon did in the temple when Jesus first taught after His baptism.
Did you know that in Christ you have the same authority over demons? But that is another topic for another day.
As part of the ruse to win any authority we will give him and hide the earth's new ruler to us, Satan keeps his minions busy telling us they, themselves, don't exist (that has to be the best lie ever), that God doesn't exist, and that we are only animals, higher up in the chain of evolution. That means we don't know that we have authority over Satan through Jesus. The name alone is to be obeyed, that is how much power it has. But as soldiers in Jesus' army, with the help of the Holy Spirit in us, we can know when Satan and his demons attack us or others and use the Word of God against him.
His Authority. Who can stand against it? None!
May you find all things new in Him,
Frontier Woman @ FrontierChristianLiving
So, here is a man (Jesus, not just any man) who has been baptised by John the Baptist. John was told by God he would know the One sent by God, because the Spirit of the Lord would stay upon him, which it did when Jesus came up out of the water. Then to give it all the more emphasis (a tiny description of the event) by God parting the heavens and stating that this was His Son, in whom He is well pleased. John then told his own disciples that this was the man he was waiting for and that they should follow Him. Before they could, Jesus went to the desert for 40 days where He prepared for his ministry, communed with God (His father), and defeated Satan with his temptations.
This time of teaching in the temple is the first act after the 40 days and gathering a few disciples. Yes, the people were amazed by the authority Jesus spoke with about scripture. Then a demon, spoke from a man possessed. The demon asked if Jesus was there to destroy them (the demons) and stated that he knew that Jesus was the Holy One of God, at which point Jesus told him to be quiet and leave. Besides the rude interruption, Jesus obviously didn't want to make a big deal of who He really was. So here and in many other places he tells demons to be quiet before they can say who He is and told people not to tell who did miracles.
But did you see it? The demons have to do as He commands. Jesus has full authority over them. Most of us peons don't even believe demons exist, but here it says they do exist and that they have to obey Jesus. An eye opener and such a good demonstration of not just power, but authority.
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Simplified military command structure |
Did you know that in Christ you have the same authority over demons? But that is another topic for another day.
As part of the ruse to win any authority we will give him and hide the earth's new ruler to us, Satan keeps his minions busy telling us they, themselves, don't exist (that has to be the best lie ever), that God doesn't exist, and that we are only animals, higher up in the chain of evolution. That means we don't know that we have authority over Satan through Jesus. The name alone is to be obeyed, that is how much power it has. But as soldiers in Jesus' army, with the help of the Holy Spirit in us, we can know when Satan and his demons attack us or others and use the Word of God against him.
His Authority. Who can stand against it? None!
May you find all things new in Him,
Frontier Woman @ FrontierChristianLiving
Monday, March 2, 2015
Follow Me - Authority of Jesus
We were out of town for the week of Feb. 21-22. The rest of the week filled up quickly with another trip on Wed-Thurs. We are finally catching up to ourselves and getting rested. If you are interested in the sermon from Sun, Feb. 22, you can go to, scroll down to the service dated 7/5/14 named The Word Became Flesh (Follow Me 2) video and watch it.
Yesterday, Mar. 1, was back to Pastor Shane Freese doing the sermon, as part of the series "Follow Me". It will be posted on Vimeo tomorrow, Tuesday. My posts, although based on the sermon, incorporate my thoughts as well, so to see the video of the sermon is recommended.
I was really moved as we learned about the authority of Jesus. As we continue to delve into scriptures word by word and verse by verse, we as a congregation seem to be transformed in our understanding and how we apply our new knowledge to our lives. Wow! God continuously makes Himself new to us as He allows us to see Him more clearly. The negative of that is the more one knows, the more we are held responsible to make it change ourselves: our hearts, our minds, our interactions with others, everything! Following Jesus brings a lifetime of learning and changing. I pray to be up to that challenge and for those reading this to also be strengthened by God to allow His Spirit to touch your lives and make things new.
The scripture started with Mark 1:21-28. ". . . he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law." So imagine you are sitting and listening to a new rabbi who does not speak as you have heard before, but speaks with the authority (higher knowledge and experience) of the one who wrote the scriptures. There is a new perspective and with it more revelations. It would feel odd and certainly get your attention as it did the rabbis who heard Him. The people were amazed. The rabbis were incensed.
It was probably much like the sermon on the mount where Jesus repeated many scriptures, and added nuances that gave them newer, more intense meanings such as Matt 5:21-22 where Jesus said comparing to the law against murder, ". . . anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment." That is spoken from authority, as one who knows the intent of the law and the only one who does that is God.
What type of people do other people tend to follow, generally those with more knowledge than themselves. Why do they follow someone with more knowledge? To learn more, gain a better perspective and possibly get some experience with their new found knowledge and skills. What is a sign that someone has more knowledge? They speak with authority on subjects, understand the principles behind the knowledge and do things far superior to others. Jesus did just that and gained a following of not only disciples, but of people who saw and heard Him. Being separated by many generations, we do not get see Jesus like they did, nor even get the direct stories of what He did and said. But that does not change who he is and we can experience him directly. We need only ask it of him.
How did the Pharisees respond? With grumbling and anger. They were the authority, until Jesus showed up. Did they accept His authority? For the most part, no. Do we accept His authority? Sadly, for the most part, no. We are a rebellious people and do not like authority over us. What is the best type of authority? A benevolent dictator. One who always has good intentions and the power to make it happen. People cannot do that. We use power to get our way even if only some of the time, it is enough to make bad outcomes. God is the only one who can be trusted to not abuse His power, but to always do good with it. It is ourselves who invite bad things to happen, with negative results from selfish things we do.
We, as people, think that if circumstances were different, things would be better. That is a rather unlikely scenario as we are always present in our circumstances. Shane said he has a lot of car problems and "changes cars like socks" and there are still problems or opportunities for growth as we like to call them.
It was joked that it could probably be said that those here in Aeneas Valley would probably be more rebellious than most places, since we moved here as a type of rebellion against the main direction of society to live in cities, under the watchful eye of the government, neighbors and other authorities at all times. Thus, it is reasonable to consider us a bit more reluctant to give up our "authority over ourselves" in our Christian walk. That is what is meant by dying daily to ourselves so we can Follow Him.
Our goal is to be open to let God change us through Jesus into holy vessels. Holy, not always happy. But the reward is in heaven for the times we are unhappy in circumstances. So, do not despair, He is with us always.
May you find all things new in Him,
Frontier Woman @ FrontierChristianLiving
Yesterday, Mar. 1, was back to Pastor Shane Freese doing the sermon, as part of the series "Follow Me". It will be posted on Vimeo tomorrow, Tuesday. My posts, although based on the sermon, incorporate my thoughts as well, so to see the video of the sermon is recommended.
I was really moved as we learned about the authority of Jesus. As we continue to delve into scriptures word by word and verse by verse, we as a congregation seem to be transformed in our understanding and how we apply our new knowledge to our lives. Wow! God continuously makes Himself new to us as He allows us to see Him more clearly. The negative of that is the more one knows, the more we are held responsible to make it change ourselves: our hearts, our minds, our interactions with others, everything! Following Jesus brings a lifetime of learning and changing. I pray to be up to that challenge and for those reading this to also be strengthened by God to allow His Spirit to touch your lives and make things new.

It was probably much like the sermon on the mount where Jesus repeated many scriptures, and added nuances that gave them newer, more intense meanings such as Matt 5:21-22 where Jesus said comparing to the law against murder, ". . . anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment." That is spoken from authority, as one who knows the intent of the law and the only one who does that is God.
What type of people do other people tend to follow, generally those with more knowledge than themselves. Why do they follow someone with more knowledge? To learn more, gain a better perspective and possibly get some experience with their new found knowledge and skills. What is a sign that someone has more knowledge? They speak with authority on subjects, understand the principles behind the knowledge and do things far superior to others. Jesus did just that and gained a following of not only disciples, but of people who saw and heard Him. Being separated by many generations, we do not get see Jesus like they did, nor even get the direct stories of what He did and said. But that does not change who he is and we can experience him directly. We need only ask it of him.
How did the Pharisees respond? With grumbling and anger. They were the authority, until Jesus showed up. Did they accept His authority? For the most part, no. Do we accept His authority? Sadly, for the most part, no. We are a rebellious people and do not like authority over us. What is the best type of authority? A benevolent dictator. One who always has good intentions and the power to make it happen. People cannot do that. We use power to get our way even if only some of the time, it is enough to make bad outcomes. God is the only one who can be trusted to not abuse His power, but to always do good with it. It is ourselves who invite bad things to happen, with negative results from selfish things we do.

It was joked that it could probably be said that those here in Aeneas Valley would probably be more rebellious than most places, since we moved here as a type of rebellion against the main direction of society to live in cities, under the watchful eye of the government, neighbors and other authorities at all times. Thus, it is reasonable to consider us a bit more reluctant to give up our "authority over ourselves" in our Christian walk. That is what is meant by dying daily to ourselves so we can Follow Him.
Our goal is to be open to let God change us through Jesus into holy vessels. Holy, not always happy. But the reward is in heaven for the times we are unhappy in circumstances. So, do not despair, He is with us always.
May you find all things new in Him,
Frontier Woman @ FrontierChristianLiving
What is gratitude and why do I want it?
Oh, Boy.When that question came into my life, I had a lot to learn (and still do) . Over the last 3 years the lesson God seems to be pounding into my head is learn to be thankful, to have and show my gratitude.
If you have never seen the movie Courageous, I highly recommend it. Done by a church in Albany, Georgia, it has some great lessons and is a good guy flick that you can watch together. There is a follow-up book for men and women. I got the one for a woman, imagine that, "The Resolution for Women". The first chapter was about being content with where God has you right now, which requires being grateful for all He has given you.
Well, when you live in a small cabin, in the middle of no where with no amenities, "thank you" is not the first thing on your mind. But as I read the chapter, I started seeing what He had given me. Then I started to see that He gave me everything I HAD to have, that is, needed. What was making me dissatisfied were the things I thought I needed or wanted, but didn't have yet. And as I started to read any other chapter, I would go back to the first one on gratitude.
Just to make sure I was getting the point (with God there are no coincidences), the women's group at AVEFC (my church) started a Bible study on Gratitude. This was a very nice one from Ann Voskamp that helps get you thinking about being thankful for every thing, big and little. God has put you where you are for a reason and He likes to show us big and small things that we can turn to our Abba, Father and say, "Thank you." The study is called "One Thousand Gifts."
I started a little diary of things I was thankful for, and started taking pictures of things I was thankful for. But eventually, I stopped writing and rarely took pictures. I did not, however, forget to thank God for the things and people in my life. I just was not recording them.
I think that was part of why I started a blog, to note what things I was grateful for and share them (see FrontierLivingToday). Writing on the computer comes much easier for me and is a natural outlet.
What has being grateful done for me? Helped make me content, instead of thinking my life will be better when . . . . What a trap that is. A person can never be happy or contented without gratitude for what is theirs right then.
Is that a trap for you, too? Do you find yourself thinking, things will be better when I get married, or get a new car, or move away from here. No. You cannot find happiness. It is a decision you make to be happy, grateful, content. Working towards goals is good, but letting the obtaining of the goal define if you are happy, makes happiness unattainable.
Learn to see all the things that you have, and that God has blessed you with. Be grateful right here and now. You will start to change how you even talk to yourself with things like, "Wow, that light changed to green right as I needed it to," or "That shadow of the tree is really striking with the sun behind it like that," or even "I am thankful for running water."
May you find all things new in Him,
Frontier Woman @ FrontierChristianLiving
Oh, Boy.When that question came into my life, I had a lot to learn (and still do) . Over the last 3 years the lesson God seems to be pounding into my head is learn to be thankful, to have and show my gratitude.
If you have never seen the movie Courageous, I highly recommend it. Done by a church in Albany, Georgia, it has some great lessons and is a good guy flick that you can watch together. There is a follow-up book for men and women. I got the one for a woman, imagine that, "The Resolution for Women". The first chapter was about being content with where God has you right now, which requires being grateful for all He has given you.

I started a little diary of things I was thankful for, and started taking pictures of things I was thankful for. But eventually, I stopped writing and rarely took pictures. I did not, however, forget to thank God for the things and people in my life. I just was not recording them.
I think that was part of why I started a blog, to note what things I was grateful for and share them (see FrontierLivingToday). Writing on the computer comes much easier for me and is a natural outlet.
What has being grateful done for me? Helped make me content, instead of thinking my life will be better when . . . . What a trap that is. A person can never be happy or contented without gratitude for what is theirs right then.
Is that a trap for you, too? Do you find yourself thinking, things will be better when I get married, or get a new car, or move away from here. No. You cannot find happiness. It is a decision you make to be happy, grateful, content. Working towards goals is good, but letting the obtaining of the goal define if you are happy, makes happiness unattainable.
Learn to see all the things that you have, and that God has blessed you with. Be grateful right here and now. You will start to change how you even talk to yourself with things like, "Wow, that light changed to green right as I needed it to," or "That shadow of the tree is really striking with the sun behind it like that," or even "I am thankful for running water."
May you find all things new in Him,
Frontier Woman @ FrontierChristianLiving
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