The AVEFC camera was broken, so we do not have video. This post might be a little longer so I can capture as much as possible for us. Still, I am giving you Pastor Shane's sermon from my perspective with my thoughts during and after the service.
Blessed be Your Name
Crown Him
I Will Rise
March 15, Mark 1:40-45. A leper came begging Jesus to heal him if He would. The man submitted himself to Jesus' will. He was humble and desperate. Being a leper meant being cut off from life and all you hold dear: family, friends, home, land, job, everything. They lived in a cave dependent on others for food and clothing, yet no one would go near them. And to the Jews, touching a leper was like touching a dead thing and you had to be cleansed at the temple using special rights. It was a big deal. For a leper to leave their cave to wander the streets was also a big deal, yet this one came to Jesus to ask for healing.
Jesus felt compassion. Do we?
Touching the leper, Jesus said "I will." He wants to heal us. "Be clean!" He commanded. The leprosy left and he was cured. The word cured here also means cleansed.
Jesus was trying to keep His notoriety low, but the leper told everyone. Jesus had to stay out of towns, where He wanted to teach because of the pressing crowds.
We silly people get excited and dance away from a divine experience, jabbering to anyone who will stand still long enough to hear. Do we look to God for His will at that point? Probably not. Our joy and the thrill of seeing God work overcomes us. His timing is perfect and we get in the way. He being all powerful can still circumvent the disobedience, but the impact may not be what He wanted. He still gives us free will and in doing so is probably constantly making up for our downfalls. He is a gracious God.
Can you imagine being a disciple at this time? They agreed to follow a rabbi. Priests taught about God. This one acts like God. How does someone comprehend what they are seeing. Are they questioning the daunting task of healing and casting out demons themselves someday? That was not done, much like our times. I bet there was a lot of backroom discussions between them.
Some other scriptures regarding the word that was used for cured: Matt 4:24, 1 Jphn 1:7, Heb 9:22-23, Acts 15:9.
Jesus is the source of healing. He does not worry about catching "it" whatever the sickness is. 1 Cor 6:9-11 tells us how we are sinners and lists some of the yuck we come from. Then the cleansing word is used again in 11. "You were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." Washed, sanctified and justified. Jesus and the Holy Spirit cleansed us as though we had gone through the process of sacrifice at the temple.
So here is where things get a little tougher. If this study is true, if Jesus was here on earth to heal us and bring hope, what should our response be? More than just a cursory thank you and move on I should hope.
What is it like to follow Jesus? Like nothing on earth that is for sure.
We should empty ourselves like Jesus did for God. Offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to God to cleanse and use us as He sees fit. I feel so far from there.
I am beginning to pray with less hesitation to be in His will. There is a feeling of awe and wonder at what that might entail. Will I be asked to give up my home and family? Oh, I hope not. That is my Achilles heel so to speak. I don't feel like that is what He will be asking. I think He wants me to get out of my comfort zone and speak up. That is certainly not my nature and will be all Him. I am drawn to the concept of healing and pray that someday I will know why He is putting healing in my path. Maybe just to have a better understanding. Maybe someday He will have me pray for a healing and I can watch Him work. I just want to be in His will so I am praying for that.
On another note, God has given me some wonderful friends here. Seems lately that they are going through some very rough times. I ask you help me pray for them. Just ask, God knows who they are and the circumstances. Thank you.
May you find all things new in Him,
Frontier Woman @ FrontierChristianLiving
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